Sunday, 10 August 2014

Well....good news and annoying news!

Well the annoying news first, the current iteration of the layout will be coming down due to the lack of finding suitable storage (i.e able to set it up in it's current configuration and work on it). So with that a search for a viable replacement option was on.

First thought was a small door with some unitrack to tide me over while I was in uni. Not a major fan....

Next thought, well this is the good news.

I've found that many 20' containers are dirt cheap ($1200-$2000) and most container storage yards are inexpensive on per month costs ($150-200). So if it can't be located at our soon to be found Gold Coast residence it'll have to sit in a yard, no biggie!

Look for a trackplan to come soon once I sort out the mess in my head that is the thousands of ideas I've now got....